Getting a Logitec Quickcam Zoom (Silver) to work on FC4

Since I could find a whole lot about how to do this correctly, I figured I would go ahead and get it down for anyone else that is looking for it.

The stock Fedora kernel has the pwc driver in it and it recognizes the camera, but it doesn’t seem to operate it correctly.  So I went to and downloaded the latest version of the drivers.  You will also need the kernel-devel, make, gcc packages.

yum install kernel-devel make gcc

Should get them for you.

once you get those follow the instructions in

I would recommend rebooting after that rather than removing the module and inserting it back in.  It seemed to work better for me.  It seemed to come up and work for me after that.

I installed camE on the machine and configured it to upload images to my webpage.  It should be showing pictures of the world outside my house now.

Pictures from my webcam
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