
Why doesn’t someone just release a new version of this game?

I was messing with a dos emulator for linux and thought, “man this would be good to play Xcom with.” So I dusted off my copy and installed it. It didn’t really work that well since my computer is so fast that there is no way to catch aliens. They just move too fast.

So I started looking around to see if I could slow it down some and thought to go ahead and get a copy off of eDonkey. I installed it on Mirage and commenced playing. The graphics are terrible by today’s standards it still runs just a little faster than normal and it runs in a 640/480 window, AND I love it. It is such a cool game and so well done.

Someone needs to get their ass in gear and make a game that plays like this. The amount of people that love this game online is unbelievable and they keep trying to revive the line, but they keep missing the mark. They think that it is the storyline that made people play, but it isn’t it is the gameplay and the systems in it. They just need to update the programming to the newer standards, develope a new storyline and then go.

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