Original thread from old forum
Arrrrgggghhh!!!!! What is it with people? Why can they not just read an error message? Hell why can they not just write one down?
I get so tired of people…. (wait I should add something here I guess.) not reading stuff.
If a computer pops up an error and doesn’t do what I want to it, I stop and read the error and attempt to understand what it is saying. I don’t always understand the error and since there isn’t really anyone else to ask, I consult the knowledge base that is http://www.google.com
But these people have me to ask. All they have to do is read the error message and ask me what it means and what they need to do. Instead they ask me something like this:
“Uh this error message popped up and now nothing on my computer will work.”
Ok well no problem. What did the error message say?
Uh, I don’t know. I just clicked it and now nothing works
Hmm.. well without that error message, it will be tough to figure out what it is, do you remember anything about what it said?
Well it said something about something not working and that I should do something, but I didn’t really read it.
Instead it could go something like this:
“Uh yeah this error popped up on my machine.”
Ok well what did it say?
Well it said that the proxy server is incorrect and that I should check my network settings.
Oh well no problem then. Here is what you need to do…..
See how much better the second one sounds?