New Desk!!

Original thread from my old forums

I went out to Staples last night and picked up a desk that I thought was pretty cool. It has a clear glass(ish) top, that I think will look pretty good. I think I might even be able to mod it so that glass lights up with a redish hue, so that it matches Diablo.

Also picked up a chair that I thought was pretty comfy. I almost gave in an paid $50 more for one that has a massager in it, but I decided to not become a wuss quite yet.

The crazy thing about it is this is the first desk that I have had that is mine. For the last 4+ years I have had a room that wouldn’t accomidate a desk so I have been using my bed as a chair and some creativeness for how I use my computer. I am so excited to get it up and see how it looks, that I don’t really want to be here right now. Plus this server is taking forever to install, so that isn’t helping matters either.

Things are coming together fairly decent. I don’t think I will be using cardboard boxes for funiture or anything, so that is fairly good. Of course a percentage of my parents stuff is still there so it is hard to estimate what I will need and what I won’t.

I also found a pretty sturdy table a couple of weeks ago for $20. It is actually a coffee table and it needed a little sanding and stuff to clean it up, but I have done most of that and I just need to clean up the legs on it. Once I get that done I plan to put it in one of the bedrooms and put my 33 inch monitor on top of it. I hope the table will be able to hold it, since the monitor weighs in at over 100 pounds.

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