Ok everyone bitches about linux not being userfriendly and not being a good desktop setup. Well shut your pie hole and get these iso files and burn them on CD. Or if you can find it, buy it.
Redhat took everyones complaints and smoked them in my opinion. If you have no complants about XPs look and feel then you are going to like this. It has that bubbly “rounded” look. If you don’t like that look then you should be cool too since it still has the full user interface, no “click here to see the shit that we have hidden and that you are looking for” effects.
The graphics are pretty, the installer is the best Redhat has ever put together, I am a little disappointed with the choice of mozilla over galeon and the fact that galeon is on the third cd, but I can see their logic there.
A lot of people are complaining about the KDE, GNOME combination/bastardization and you know what I have to say there… STFU. If you know enough to know the difference then you know how to change it to look the way you want. If you don’t know what I am talking about then cool cool, you won’t need to and it makes little difference to you. Redhat is attempting to take away the last area that MS is really dominate at and I for one don’t care if you are a KDE or a Gnome users, I am a “Get-People-To-Stop_Supporting-and-Using-a-Crappy-OS” person and I think this is a step in the right direction.
The apps that are included are pretty much the standard RedHat fare, but they have done a good job of making everything accessible and easy to find. Defintely the prettiest distro I have seen. If you need a desktop OS then this is the one for you. I haven’t gotten a chance to try out the server install yet, but if it is the same as previous Redhat Server installs it will be fine.
All in all this is a π π π π π distro and is the way that linux should be going to take over the desktop market.