
Not having written in here for a bit, I would commonly start with a catch up of things that have happened since the previous entry. Today I cannot do that though, because I have just found out that my Aunt Rose has passed away. I have mentioned her in previous entries if you would like the information refer to those entries. I would like to take this space on my electronic journal to say thanks to her for everything that she did for me and everything that she did for everyone else. In one way I am happy for her to have passed on for I think the last few monthes have been quite painful for her and I am happy that she has been relieved of that pain, but in the other aspects of my life I grieve for the loss of her life. I cannot put into words the things that she has done to help me and the things that she has done with kindness to me. I think that perhaps she is one of the few people in my life that has never EVER uttered a harsh word in my direction. I hope that she is in a happier place than this and that she knows that I will miss her. The day has turned rainy and I wonder if that is not the worlds tears for the loss of this person. There is no place that could be good enough for her. Rest in peace Rose Parrish.

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