Are you a kid or an adult?

Increasingly I realize that I am no longer a kid. I will always be younger than some people so I am a kid in their eyes, but I am talking in terms of body, mind, and thoughts. Think back to when you were younger with me. When I was a kid I remember spending whole summers running around outside and playing things like tag and basketball. I don’t ever remember going inside because it was too hot to be outside. Now when I am outside it seems like a struggle in tolerance for the heat and the humidity. I doubt that it was cooler when I was a kid (global warming?!?! bah!), so it must be me. The thing that interests me though is this, is it a mental thing or is this a physical thing? Has my body become less tolerant to the heat or is my mind just more occupied with it?

Another thing that I am noticed is that, I seem to have lost some of my imagination. I have to think more about things to get ideas to come to me. I often times have snappy comebacks or crazy goofy things to say, but my ability to day dream seems to have lessened. Some people might say that this is a good thing, that day dreaming is a waste of time, that I am now more focused. To me I think that day dreaming is an important part of the idea phase of things. I have been working to design new pages for this site and to use the things that I have in new ways, but all I seem to get done is rehashing old ideas and ideas that I have seen from other pages. I have never been an artist, but I have always been able to come up with my own ideas and thoughts. In some ways these articles and reviews are the last area that I have were I am still creating. I am not sure if this is because of my job and lack of interest in it, or that I just don’t have anything cool to work with. I hope the addition of my laptop (gears) will remedy that and allow me to work with the ideas that I have when I have them. Hopefully, I will find a project to work with here soon and I will feel better about what I am doing.

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