Somethings you never think to say until it is too late. Sometimes you never take the chance to say them until the chance is gone. I don’t want to wait until that has happened to me.
I want to say thanks for every time that we played catch, and every time that we shot baskets. For every game of one on one and every time we messed with Legos. Every time we worked on the Commodore, to every time that we raced slot cars. Every time that we went to the lake to every time that we cut down a tree. For every memory you left me in these photo albums to every thought you share with me on these comments. Every time you watched out for me (sometimes even when I didn’t think you made it there in time). Every game of chess. Every talk. Every story. Every vacation, and every time you just sat and watched me do something completely stupid and said, “Good job”. Every answer to every question and every “lesson”. Sometimes I didn’t know I was learning and sometimes I didn’t know I wasn’t done learning. 🙂
For every ride on a roller coaster to ever pull behind the boat.
All these things and more, I cherish and am glad that I have gotten. I know sometimes I get caught up in my life and sometimes I don’t spend as much time with everyone that I can. Someday I will probably look back and wish I had spent more, but I am glad for the memories that I already have and the memories that I continue to make every time I am around you.
Thanks Dad for being my dad and thanks for so much that I have in my life.
Happy Birthday. 🙂
Thanks and your welcome,
you have returned the enjoyment many times over.