Original thread from my old forums
Yeah I think I posted something about asking for a payraise from the board of education. Well I found out Tuesday that was denied. Sucks.
Actually, it is a really interesting situation. I like my job and I don’t mind what they are paying me now. I ask for the raise mainly because I would like it and it would remove me from being the “Assistant” and into a completely seperate position that wasn’t dependant on Lamar’s. Because no matter what my pay will continue to be based on Lamar’s pay beceause my position is.
So in fact I hate that the raise was denied, but it just puts me back into the same situation that I was happy with before. It is like I want to be pissed over it, but I can’t really because it doesn’t make my life any worse or unhappy. It just makes it not “More Happier”.