Original thread from my old forums
Not really sure how to title this, that was the best that I could come up with at the time.
Most of the people on here know that a while ago I lost my great aunt and that I was a little messed up over it for a time.
Well Monday I was working out at one of the elementary schools here and had the chance to work on a teachers computer. The teacher reminded me quite strongly of my Aunt for various reasons when I first met her over a year ago, so I was happy to help her with her computer problems.
She responded in a manner that was amazingly akin to the way that my aunt would have and for the rest of the day she kept telling me how happy she was that I took the time to help her out with the problem.
Tuesday, I was working in the board office when I found out that she had just died at the elementary school. Apparently, she had went to the bathroom because she didn’t feel well and had a heartattack. By the time anyone got worried enough about her to open the door, she had already pasted away.
Now I guess honestly it shouldn’t bother me that much, but it does. I think part of it is the fact that less than 24 hours before I was talking and interacting with this person and then all of the sudden she was gone. I know that another part of it is that she reminded me so strongly of my aunt. It is just one of those things that messes with your head I guess.