Well sorry for those that are actually reading this that I haven’t updated it yet, but here it is. The job at Afni is pretty good. While not quite the technical level that I was hoping for it is still enough to keep me learning and interested. I am picking up a lot of information about Active Directories and Domains under WinNT and 2k. For those of you that know me more for my linux knowledge or lifestyle you may find it odd that I would enjoy learning that stuff, but you also have to know that I have been running Windows2000 since it was in Beta3 stages. It is also what I ran for the biodiversity center. I have also started to educate my fellow Techs in the wonders of Linux and am learning a lot of about using linux as a replacement for windows in a company where _everything_ is windows. I am starting to lose out on time with Pauline a little, but I hope to fix that problem soon. I am also feeling a little detached from the people at Western and the Linux group. I think I will be able to solve this once I again start checking my mail on the linux server. I find myself thinking that I don’t have enough time, but I am not sure if this is because it is just the first week and I haven’t figured out the best way to work things, or if this is the way things are going to be. It really shouldn’t be any different than when I worked at Western as far as a time scale since I worked there until 5 at night most of the time anyway. Here I have been leaving at 4:30 so I actually getting a thirty minute head start to the time, but I am feeling that after work I should head home for some reason. Not sure why that is exactly. I am sure that it will wear off soon though. : )
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