Here is the collection of thoughts and tales that have been piling up here in my head, pick the ones you want and comment about them.
Got a new cell phone from Edmonson County Schools, emails will be going out soon.
PDA is nothing less that phucking awesome. There are some things that are annoying about it, but I just chock those up to hating MS and go one with my life.
I picked up the Linksys Wireless Access Point/Router/Switch/Coffee Maker/Best Friend/Roomate the other day and it is pretty nifty. Works well with the PDA once you open your eyes and install it correctly.
Mark Hicks, a friend of mine and owner of JMH Webbing got married over the weekend. It was a nice ceremony and I caught the garter at it.
While at the wedding I learned the AFNI-BG has been having severe network issues for the last few days and has lost a bunch of money in an attempt to upgrade the network that I talked about previously using equiptment that was from another call center which they couldn’t get to work.
I also found out the management is being restructured inside AFNI and Shane will no longer be a manager of the BG Call Center. I would say that is good news for Cheyenne and others that will no longer be under his thumb, but hey is that really my place anymore?
Work continues at Edmonson County and we are starting to dig ourselves out of the hole that having only one person on the job can create. Currently the schools are on Fall Break so that gives us two weeks to gets some work done.
I have been working on “archiving” DVDs and have found some really sweet software for linux that will do it for me rather nicely. I hope to be posting more about this soon.
Since maybe I don’t do it enough, I would like to thank maxx for hooking me up with the forums and everything. I would also like to thank Zweix Internet Solutions for that as well.
I miss all the posters for this page. C’mon guys get your talk on.
People I haven’t heard from lately: Frank Miles, Jeremiah Byrd, Todd Schaefer, Seth Johnson, Mike Lamont. Where you guys at?
New Xbox Game : Outlaw Golf. Quick Review: It Rocks out, if you play games on the xbox get it.
Also since I still get mail about AFNI due to this page, I would like to also post that I got some mail from one of the before mentioned Tucson Techs that got fired and he said that he was fired for the joke email that came out and that the also told him he was fired for what he said in the reply to Jeremiah’s email. So despite what I was told they did get rid of people due to that.