Category Archives: Journal

The story of my life.

Paxton Net2 Time Issue

Your controllers get their time from the server, so if you setup a new server and don’t update the timezone from say Pacific to Central, all your controllers will be reporting behind by two hours. The fix is to update … Continue reading

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More Julie Pictures

For Pauline’s birthday we ended up going to Huber’s Orchard in Moonlight Indiana.  Dad and I took several pictures while we were there and it seems like Julie had a really good time. We have also had her in her … Continue reading

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Hey we got a car 2

P and I purchased a new car yesterday.  We got a Chevy Traverse from Havey Ellis Chevy  in Columbia.  They did a great job of getting the car for us and also for working around a problem with my GM … Continue reading

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Final on the house

I had previously posted on how we were doing on paying off our house.  Well today I went to the bank and paid off the remainder of the loan.  We are done.

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DnD 4e

For the last year or so I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition with some people around here. It started out as some of my friends just needing a person to fill in, but became an almost weekly … Continue reading

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Easter 2009

Our spring break fell right before Easter this year, and I decided that I would take a few days off this year.  Julie and I hung out Thursday and then Pauline took Friday off as well and we all goofed … Continue reading

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Julie pictures from the Ice Storm

We had a pretty bad ice storm here a few weeks ago.  It didn’t really hurt us much in our part of the county, but in the northern part of the county it caused a lot of damage.  It ended … Continue reading

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Court Ruling on MMR and Autism Federal courts ruled today that there is no link between the MMR vaccine and Autism. Something that is easily proven if you look at the science on record for the vaccine and stop listening to people like Jenny McCarthy … Continue reading

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For those that remember history

All I could hear at the end of this is “How many Communists do you know of in the government, Senator McCarthy?” It is amazing how far we have come to be right back where we were.  Replace the word … Continue reading

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Julie driving the 56

A couple weekends agao we got some good pictures of Julie at the farm and with the 56.  I thought I would post them up here. I think the last one is great.  It should be entered into a contest … Continue reading

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