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Tag Archives: Hell
New Job!!!!
Well sort of. It is actually more of a side job. I was talking with my cousin Shelly and her company has a couple Linux servers that no one really knew how to run, so they hired me as a … Continue reading
Why can’t people READ error messages!!!
Original thread from old forum Arrrrgggghhh!!!!! What is it with people? Why can they not just read an error message? Hell why can they not just write one down? I get so tired of people…. (wait I should add something … Continue reading
Seperation Anxiety
Original thread from my old forums Had some real weird feeling going on the other day. Thought I would try and throw them down on here, for all the world to view. Y’know because that is what you do when … Continue reading
Shelly’s Wedding
This weekend I headed up to Indiana and attended my cousin’s wedding. It was a great time and I am extremely glad that I was there for it. The wedding itself was pretty short. I think less than 20 minutes. … Continue reading
Hell Week
Damn, last week was just shit. Not “the shit”, just shit. Nothing would work right. The new network rocks out, but we cannot get the New Accelar to route IPX traffic, so none of our Novell server are visible from … Continue reading
Pauline and I went and saw this tonight. It is a pretty good flick. Marvel is really doing a good job of converting their stuff to film from wood pulp. Now everyone pretty much knows how big spider-man went over … Continue reading
LotR: TT
I have debated over how to write this review for close to two days now and I haven’t gotten any closer to a solution so here is my thoughts on it rate it how you will and take from it … Continue reading
Mechassault – XBOX
This game just came out today and on the advice of the boys over at Penny Arcade I picked a copy up. Now I have been playing it for 2 and a half hours and I had to make myself … Continue reading
Public Accountability
Recently, I have found out that some of the higher ups in AFNI read my site. I know that at least my boss’s boss and his boss (meaning my boss’s boss’s boss) have looked at it. They told me that … Continue reading
Microsoft’s Operation Foot Bullet
Recently there has been a lot news regarding Microsoft in many different aspects. Each piece of news has several important things in it that by themselves are interesting, but when they are put together they lead to some very interesting … Continue reading